Picture this, you are changing your babies diapers in nice leather seats and you are watching television at the same time. No you are not on your couch, you are in the backseat of your self driving car going to disneyland, and you do not have to worry about anything on the road. Autonomous vehicles are becoming more popular each year and this brings up the question about whether or not they are good for the world or bad. With how the world is evolving I think that the autonomous vehicles are the future of transportation. They make traveling much safer, more efficient, and cheaper but in return create the trolley problem. Self driving cars are the future of transportation, they make traveling much safer and easier. These vehicles have technology …show more content…
If a blind person or a handicapped would like to go anywhere they need to spend hours asking for a ride or trying to get to the bus stop because that is his only option. Autonomous vehicles would make traveling a lot easier and faster for them, and all they would need to do is get into their car and press a button or speak to get to their destination. These vehicles would be better financially for people because they have the option of subscribing to a company and “pay the equivalent of three dollars and seventy cents for thirty minutes” (Hirsch). When these vehicles are in full effect and are everywhere there will be companies that can rent the cars, which will be cheaper than buying them. You could just park them at any stations that they have set up across the city. Gas is getting more expensive each day but electricity is staying consistent. Charging your car does not cost nearly as much as putting fuel in your car. You can go to a supercharger which will charge your car in thirty minutes and it will only cost you two to three dollars. All these pros also bring out some of the cons that these vehicles could