Pros And Cons Of Sweatshops, Women And Child Labor

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Today’s world is different. We buy stuff so that we don 't get left behind because we want to keep up with the latest trends. We buy things from clothes, shoes, jackets, phones, tablets and much more but have we ever stopped to wonder where these products are come from? Who are they made by?. Most of the goods that are sold today in America are goods coming in from foreign countries, not manufactured in America. By buying these products, we as consumers are indirectly promoting these companies’ brands and have become their “walking advertisements” without even knowing the agony of the people behind the products. In the past, the American manufacturing system used sweatshops, women and child labor, but due to many protests and campaigns this system was slowly stopped forcing the industry to move the system …show more content…

Today sweatshops are found in developing countries, where they still continue to practice woman and child labor. Developing countries refer to countries where most of its people are poor and living in dire poverty, whereas developed countries refer to more economically advanced countries where most of its people are more well off (America). Workers in the past and today are often subjected to terrible and harsh working conditions where they are often denied their most basic rights as a worker. In reality, the damage that has been inflicted on the American trading system cannot be changed but can be improved. In theory, many Americans may fear including enforceable labor standards in trade agreements. This is due to the mindset that it will open the United States to charges if it fails to enforce ILO standards. This impact may be enormous, but without any enforcement, no change can