The Pros And Cons Of Castor Oil

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How long does castor oil take to work to induce labor?
Pregnancy is a wonderful thing, but as the months fly by you start to wish for the happy event to happen sooner than later. And when you get around the 40th week, and the baby still hasn’t arrived, you might be getting desperate.
You are not alone. Many women who are overdue start to ponder whether there is something they can do to speed up the process.
You might have heard about castor oil and that some use it to induce labor. In such a case, you’re probably wondering whether it really works or how long it takes. Well, I’m here to talk about the pros and cons of using castor oil for labor and answer all your questions.
But before we begin, let me say that it’s imperative that you don’t …show more content…

Before you even consider using castor oil to induce labor, there is something you should know. It won’t work if your body is not ready for the birth, and you never should use it before your due date or without consulting with your doctor.
Also, professionals don't recommend castor oil if:
- you haven't reached the 37th week
- you have a high-risk pregnancy
- you have suffered any complications during the pregnancy
How to prepare castor oil?
There is a debate on how much castor oil you need to induce labor, but most agree that two to four tablespoons should do the trick. Some mothers who have used it, advice that you take several small doses – 1-1.5 tablespoon over 3-4 hours rather than risking a larger dose that could make you sick.
As I mentioned before, castor oil has a disgusting taste, and it’s unlikely that you’ll manage to drink it in pure form without vomiting. The best solution is to mix with something else – orange juice or milk
Here’s one popular castor oil recipe for labor.
You’ll need:
- 2 oz of castor oil
- 6 oz of orange juice
- One teaspoon of baking soda
You mix these ingredients together, stir well and drink the concoction slowly. You might wash off the taste with water