Book burning, as an example of censorship, to keep the population ignorant as a way to keep power is exaggerated but censorship still poses a serious problem. Censorship is a negative influence on schools and education in general. Censorship is the forbidding, blocking, limiting, or obstructing access to information for whatever reason. When it is introduced into the school education system, it comes with some flaws and drawbacks not intended by the original effect by which safety is a colossal concern. When teachers assign research on a certain controversial or unsafe topic, it is not allowed to be surfed on the school grounds due to internet filters or lack of books concerning them how are the students expected to complete the assignment …show more content…
The way censorship is portrayed and applied can cause much confusion and strife to the ones involved in this mishap. An example of this is a librarian banning a book on school grounds and in turn receiving a conflicted result. ¨While the feedback was near-deafening at times, I was disappointed that on a campus of roughly 3,000 students and faculty, only eight people actually asked to meet with me to discuss the reasons I banned the book, and to ask what could be done to reverse the ban¨ (DiMarco). The outcry sparked the media to come to the scene and rude comments that resulted from the banning of the book. Yet with all this coverage and anger toward this action only a handful of people tried to fix the problem while the others only vented heavy judgement, overall it sets people others against the opposing side. ¨Most censors do not read the book they are challenging, so they develop false fears¨ (Ezarik). This is one the bulky reasons of why books are challenged, ignorant people do not try to understand the material to the best of their ability or uses bias to critique how they view the source materials. It is the struggle for influence that is the most predominant factor in decisions for challenging the books. ¨The school board agreed and removed the book. Other parents sued the school board arguing that the book should stay in the school 's library¨ (Brenyo). The school and parents are conflicting on the matter of right or wrong, which is very debatable as each side has their own reason. “It is true that a plethora of sites on the web contains offensive, sexually explicit and pernicious material that many parents do not want their children to see, yet educators know that the web can also be used as a tool to help students gain the most up-to-date information on topics they are studying” (Meeder). When restricting access to information, even with positive intentions, it gets in the way of learning. If a student must look up information about dissections, for