The Pros And Cons Of Charity

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charity is always good, but not everyone. Some argue that charity is sometimes carried out badly, while others think that charity can bring bad results even when it is well implemented. Charity may not provide the best solution to a problem. For every act of charity, applied to heal suffering arising from defective arrangements of society, serves to weaken the personal springs of social reform. Charity to support essential services is bad because it switches provision from government to charity, rather than increasing benefits to the needy. Charity may benefit the state rather than the needy. It may lead to favouritism, not fairness. As Peter Singer once said “The interests of all persons ought to count equally, and geographic location and citizenship make no intrinsic difference to the rights and obligations of individuals.”[19] Charity, can sometimes be seen as actually accepting the injustice itself, while trying to mitigate the consequences of the injustice. According to the critics our charitable giving is often inefficient and they also questions the ethnicity of the money raised by the charitable organisations. They point out that charities may not make best use of their funds. Karl Paul Reinhold Niebuhr, in his book(Moral Man and Immoral Society, 1932) writes that he thought that “a powerful