The Pros And Cons Of Climate Change

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Climate change… a rather fascinating topic isn’t it? In order for this to really be an academic essay (at least according to my standards), I believe the reader must first understand what I am talking about- and if you already know, then this will merely serve as a refreshment of memory- so hence the upcoming summarized definition of climate change- the long term changes in climate, and weather that are currently serving to do more harm than good. It (meaning our topic) is becoming more and more of an issue around the world. So much of an issue, in fact, that numerous countries around the globe have already made policies regarding this; 125 countries (126 actually if you consider Arctic Resources) if you are to be precise. For the purpose of …show more content…

All of these sample countries have commitments to the Kyoto protocol. The Kyoto Protocol (made and drawn up by the UNFCCC) is an international treaty signed and agreed upon by the nations mentioned beforehand, and 192 other parties. It states that committed parties must reduce greenhouse gas emissions, due to the threat of Global warming, and the fact that it is largely caused by human Carbon Dioxide emissions. It’s intent is to lower the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, to “a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system”-Article 2 of the Kyoto Protocol. Among other objectives, the protocol pursues periods of commitment by which the committed countries - of the protocol - must have reduced a certain amount of greenhouse gas emissions. Lara-topia agrees with all the commitments set forth by this protocol, and would include it in its (currently non existing) policies for climate change. Sweden has adopted a policy stating that by 2008-2012, they want their greenhouse gas emissions to be 4% lower than in 1990. Lara-topia also agrees with this policy and would like to adopt a similar one into its own policies. However, since this is now three years later, Lara-topia is changing the time limit till 2020 - since it has yet to start its own combat against climate change - and would like to change the percentile of reduced emissions to