
The Pros And Cons Of Creatine

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All athletes want to be at their best and preform at their best every time they compete. However, athletes are faced with injuries, off days, old age or illness that may affect their performance to where they are not performing at their usual caliber of play. Furthermore, athletes are able to take Performance Enhanced Drugs as long as they are in compliance with NFL, NCAA drug policy. Athletes that choose to take legal PEDs need to be educated on that particular substance, i.e. possible side effects and any adverse reaction that they could possibly encounter. Next they should be following the direction as to proper intake of the substance so as not to cause harm to their body and violate and PEDs policy. As athletes continue to evolve to become bigger, stronger, faster there will always be the need to prove they are the best at what they do. Athletes are striving to be the best or stay on top as being the best. Some …show more content…

2015). Creatine is one of the more popular legal PED on the market today for all levels of athletes starting in high school, collegiate, amateur and professional. the bases of Creatine monohydrate is a naturally occurring compound synthesized endogenously and consumed in most diets (Momaya A. 2015). Furthermore, in a survey of 21,000 student athletes within the NCAA reported that creatine use in the 12 months prior to the survey only 14% among all athletes (Momaya A. 2015). Even though this is my PED of choice for athletes looking to gain an edge legally Creatine does not work the same for all athletes. There contributing factors that can hinder some athletes gains while taking creatine i.e. some athletes can have a higher baseline levels of creatine prior to supplementation and will not experience increased muscle gain while others with lower baseline levels will experience muscle

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