The Pros And Cons Of Cultural Diversity

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The term “culture” is used today in a variety of ways to represent and explain behavior and values as of an individual and the society in whole. For example, if we are referring to an individual, then culture is that part of personality that encompasses beliefs, morals, knowledge, laws, religion, arts, customs, and other capabilities and habits acquired by a human as a member of society (Tylor, 1871: I).
The ability for people to easily travel and migrate to other countries, led to an increased cultural diversity within all societies. This fact gave people an opportunity to learn languages other than their own, gain knowledge and even experience a different culture; as well as build relationships and acknowledge each other regardless of their differences of origin and background. However, cultural diversity is not such a simple case that can operate without having its issues. One of the key problems lies in the potential inability to communicate effectively. For instance, language barriers, different meaning of body language, socio-cultural factors, like race and religion, all these can cause a serious problem in understanding and perceiving each other. The UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity was adopted by the 31st Session of the General Conference of UNESCO on the 2nd day of November 2011, which was the first of its kind within the international community. The reason for creating this declaration was the terrible event that took place on the 11th day of