School Exclusion

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In this essay I will provide the various reasons as to why children and young people are not in schools , I will also provide a discussion as to how White Paper Six (doe ,2001) provides policy directives to seek to address educational exclusion in south Africa
In south Africa every learner has been given the right to basic education , according to the South African schools act every learner should attend school from the age of seven until fifteen which is grade nine(Fleisch et al,2012). According to the community survey 2007 the size of the compulsory age population who are not attending schools may be slightly higher than some government sources had suggested (Fleisch et al,2012, p.529) , There are various learners who do not attend schools …show more content…

Political and philosophical influence resulted in inequalities and inconsistencies in provision of racial segregation. The specialized education became costly considering there were high provisions made to a small number of learners and a large proportion of learners gained an inferior education and experienced learning barriers. In addition to a segregated education because of race, there was also a segregation of education to the extent of physical and mental abilities. Thus, inclusion plays a vital role in South Africa’s democracy in promoting two characteristics; equality and …show more content…

One of the reasons for this is that learners have special educational needs and are told that local schools cannot admit them and support their learning (Republic of South Africa (RSA), 2010). In addition, there are many learners with special educational needs in schools who are not being given the support they require. In order to rectify this situation, I will now go to inclusive education where Education White Paper 6 says that “Classroom educators will be our primary resource for achieving our goal of an inclusive education and training system” (p.18)
The white papers approach is to establish inclusivity and not exclusivity in South Africa, full serviced schools will be equipped with necessary equipment as well as supported to accommodate for the full needs of various learners (DOE, 2001), and to implement inclusivity the white paper will take into account HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases.
The main idea of this White Paper is to extend the policy foundations, frameworks and programmes of existing policy for different education and training so that our education and training system will recognise and accommodate the various range of learning