
The Pros And Cons Of Escalating The War Syria

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Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be in a live war or played a game that has war in it? People that are in wars or know what it is like to be in a war can tell you it isn’t very pleasant. That is why escalating the war would put a lot of people in danger, in some people’s eyes it may not look or seem dangerous but others feel different. President Barack Obama is in a room with only two doors, right now he doesn’t know which door to take. Our President is the one that leads us. If president Obama does not escalate the war Syria will just attack the US or other Countries like China, Italy, and Russia. Also we will not win the war Syria has been around too long, it is time we get rid of them. The attack on Paris was nothing to them, 130 people is just a small portion of what they can do. The Paris attack was a warm up, a Pick-Up Game to Syria. In 2014 Islamic State broke from Syria and defeated the Iraqi Army that is major. ISIS is what the US should worry about. ISIS wants the whole Middle East and …show more content…

Islamic state is taking over so much of Iraq and other countries if they are not stopped or threatened in a huge way Islamic State may take over the whole East side of our world. If the U.S. waits to send in troops or sends in troops one by one it can help there is a chance Islamic State will spread. The Islamic State isn’t doing this for fun or for revenge, they are showing that they are a true Islamic nation. Their attacks have spread to Europe now and the United States is just watching this happen. The United States cannot stop the ISIS everywhere so we need help also. We must join other countries like Europe and France, the ethnic Kurds won a battle against ISIS and took back the city of

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