The Pros And Cons Of Ethics In Frankenstein

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In the eighteenth century novel, “Frankenstein”, people can learn of Victor Frankenstein’s vindictive scientific experiments and ways. One of his main experiments is when he discovered how to revive dead body parts. He tests and pokes, prods even, on a these dead body parts, which used to be someone’s arm or foot, just for fame and for the discovery so great in his eyes that is. Was disrespecting the dead really worth all that? What he did in his experiments, was it ethical is the real question though. When taking in all the factors, we can say he had it all wrong. His actions surly show how vogure and unethical he truly was in hindsight. When one might ponder on this, Victor creating a monster out of dead body parts, would they think …show more content…

Well, he responded yes, but when starting on his second creation, he decided it was wrong. He decided this after thinking about the consequences it would bring. Someone might be familiar with the saying “Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Right”;Victor did two wrongs. First, he used his knowledge to do wrong (played “God”) and not good. Then, he kills someone he was going to create to make up for it. Both of these things were wrong, and they both together do not make anything he did right. “Had I a right, for my own benefit, to inflict this curse upon everlasting generations? I had before been moved by the sophisms of the being I had created; I had been struck senseless by his fiendish threats; but now, for the first time, the wickedness of my promise burst upon me…”(Shelly, 121). Frankenstein later realised, when it was too late, that what he was doing was wicked. When he was a student, he worked hard and thought carefully about what he did, but when he became a scientist he became more reckless. He didn’t think twice often at all, but when he did he would still just go on with what he was doing, as mentioned before. This is why Victor Frankenstein, again, is immoral in what he is