Convicted felons should have the right to collect their reward for winning the lottery. Today, felons already face a myriad of sanctions on account of their criminal history. For instance, felons may lose voting right, the right to bear arms, and limited employment opportunities. Moreover, thwarting felons from the chance of winning a lottery ticket is an unnecessary infringement on one’s civil rights. In the end, if an individual has enough money to purchase a lottery ticket he or she should be able to receive their prize.
This is certainly a conflicting issue. While it is fair to value the welfare of law abiding citizens over the welfare of convicted felons, placing restricting on felons presents the issue of those felons lacking the ability to become a contributing member of society. Like you mentioned, that can provide the push needed for them to return to crime rather than working towards a steady life of their own. Further research into the costs and benefits of such restrictions is necessary to determine whether these types of restrictions actually do benefit society overall like they intend to.
Your paper was clear and interesting to read, you provided a number of points and topics to include. It is safe to say that through the observation I had involving the prediction of sex offender recidivism, the offenders that undergo treatment are faced with pros and cons meaning that treatment is necessary when an offender is actively participating. On the other hand, the cons involve an offender that receives treatment but isn 't willing to change the behavior and mindset to re-offend. Moreover, you provided an imperative reasoning for the scenario choice, you provided clear motive, history and background, and professional observation.
After conducting some research I have reached the conclusion that drug offenders are the population in which could be more successfully controlled and rehabilitated in less secure correctional alternatives. There are a couple different beneficial aspects to transferring drug offenders out of prisons and into programs. The first is that is saves money while also being more effective. When you place an inmate into a program that is designed to help them with their specific problem your results improve. The Center for Substance Abuse Treatment’s final report on NTIES noted that “In summary, we observed a pattern of substantially reduced alcohol and drug use in every type of treatment modality, with reductions typically between one-third and two-thirds
At a first glance, employment might not seem as controversial as topics such as abortion or gun control; however, when given the variable of criminal history, much discourse is created. There is a plethora of employers that are convinced if an applicant has any criminal record, they are automatically unfit for the work force. While conversely, there is a margin of employers who disregard criminal history and choose not to conduct background checks on the applicants. With the rise of technology, privacy of any person’s criminal background is easily bypassed due to the increase of background screening businesses. Angela Preston in her article, Ban the Box Has Turned Into a Big Employer Problem, maintains the belief that “no two versions of
Felon Disenfranchisement: Is it Constitutional and Should Felons Be Allowed to Vote? Felon disenfranchisement is defined as, “Any convicted felon currently incarcerated or ex-felon now on parole or probation who cannot vote. ”(Brooks, 2005). There are nearly 5.3 million Americans who have been barred from voting due to criminal conviction (Okechukwu, 2022). This is important to consider because the United States is unlike any other democratic country in the world by doing this.
On November 6th, millions of people abide by their civic duty and head out to go vote. But about "5.3 million other Americans "(Holding) do not have the ability to vote. Not because they are homebound, or mentally unable to vote. But instead, the 5.3 million Americans are actually convicted felons. In a seemingly amalgamate legal system, Felons, as individuals who have lost their responsibility to carry out societies civic duties; by committing a crime, felons have agreed to give up their right to vote for the future of America.
Many advocates for felons regaining voting rights believe the disenfranchisement of these felons is because of their race. Hull (2006) states, “according to U.S. government statistics two-thirds of those imprisoned are members of racial and ethnic minorities” (para. 7). These statistics show that more minorities are incarcerated than Caucasian people, but that doesn’t mean that it’s because of their race. For example, statistics also show that more men are incarcerated than women, so does that mean that it’s because of their sex? Of course not, the fact of the matter is that men commit more crimes than women because men are typically more aggressive, the same reasoning applies to race.
Should Ex-Felons be allowed to Vote after Their Time has been served? “To be shut out of the process is like a perpetual punishment and a slap in the face, saying you’re never going to be a citizen.” Desmond Meade, chairman of Floridians for Fair Democracy and former drug addict, stated this to describe his feelings when he received his degree in law but not his license to practice. Unfortunately, this situation occurs frequently in certain states around the country. Many people convicted of felonies, from one-time drug users to killers, are stripped of their voting rights permanently.
People who have committed felonies and are put in jail get their rights taken away once they are put in uniforms and made to do whatever the parole officers tell them to. One of the main rights taken away are the right to vote in the presidential elections every four years. In today’s society, everybody’s opinion can make in impact in the way our country in ran. Convicted felons have a large percentage of votes that could change the outcome of an election if they were allowed to vote. Convicted felons who have been released should definitely regain their rights to vote.
Felons and Voting: Should Felons Be Allowed To Vote? If society thought criminals could be never be reformed, the government would not allow them to be released out of prison, correct? Leading to a bigger question, why should ex-felons and felons not be able to vote? A felon is person that has been convicted of a felony.
Felon disenfranchisement did not start in the United States. In fact, the practice of felon disenfranchisement began in ancient Greece and Rome before evolving even more in England with “outlawry”, by the time this practice came to the United States it began to evolve into what it is today based on the other nations practices (Grady, 2012, pp. 443-445). Felon disenfranchisement, for those who do not know, is taking away a felon’s right to vote. Usually, this only occurs when they are incarcerated, but some states also do not allow the ex-felons to vote even when they are back in regular society. In Michigan, felons are granted their right to vote again once they are freed from incarceration.
One may believe that being a criminal is horrible due to the stigma attached to them. However, image being a mentally ill offender, you not only have the stigmatization of being a criminal, but also have a label of having a mental disorder as well. Both of these factors have a significant burden on offenders when it comes to finding employment, which sometimes can be a condition of their probation or parole requirements. According to Lindstedt et al. (2005), almost fifty percent of the subjects in their research reported being unemployed.
Once someone is arrested and sent to prison, most of us think they have done their punishment and learned their lesson. Unfortunately, this is not the case most of the time. Once these inmates are released most of them end up re-offending and going back to prison, this is called recidivism. It looks follows the inmates three years after they are released and sees if they get reoffend and go back to prison with a new sentence. The Bureau of Justice did a survey to see how many offenders went back to prison after they were released.
V. PRISON REFORMS The main part of this research paper is the reforms for the conditions of prison and make prison a better place for prisoner and make an alternative for incarceration. The prison Reform for prevention of overcrowding in prisons: A ten-point method for reducing the overcrowding in the prisons all over the world, these points are1: 1. Collect and use data to inform a rational, humane and cost-effective use of prison.