The Pros And Cons Of Federal Robotics

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Could robots really take over the world? The answer is yes, but not in the way, most people think. Robots are on an uphill climb, and they do not seem to be slowing down. They are becoming more involved and smarter as the years go on. In the next 10 to 20 years, there is no telling what they will be doing for us. Patrick Marshall, author of Robotics and the Economy from volume 24, number 34, CQ Researcher on September 25, 2015, is claiming the future is quickly changing. What will the effect of robotics be on future jobs, government regulations, and social interactions. Industries always want to make things bigger and better than the day before, but will they make things too big. Robots are the entire roar right now in many career …show more content…

In the pro and con section, the question asked is “Should the Government make a Federal Robotics Commission?” Adam Thierer, Senior Research Fellow, technology policy program, Mercatus Center, George Mason University, is against the making of the Federal Robotics Commission and Ryan Calo, Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Washington, is for it. A commission is a group of people who get together and make certain rules for someone or something to do. Therefore, a robotics commission would be putting regulations on how people can turn their ideas into cold hard metal. Adam Thierer wrote that a Federal Internet Commission wasn’t created “to gain a commanding lead in the digital economy” (809), so there is no need to create a Federal Robotics Commission “to ensure U.S. firms become global leader in robotics innovation” (809). His statement is accurate. If you were to look at the innovation from unregulated markets you’d see that regulation only stands to slow innovation, not help it. An example of how innovation can flourish with little to no regulation is the cellphone industry. In 2007 we got our first big innovation in the phone industry since the creation of the portable phone, the iPhone. Given the small amount of regulation the industry has, it had allowed the creative minds at apple to create one of the most influential pieces of technology we have on our lives today. An example of over regulation by the government is the auto industry. Government regulations have slowed innovation in the auto industry to the point where everything seems pretty much all the same with nothing unique or special about any vehicles. With only a few true innovators like Tesla, which specializes on electric