Fog Computing

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Since its invention in 1984, the internet has grown expeditiously. From connecting a mere 1000 people at university and corporate labs, the global internet population has now increased to more than 3 billion people. As technology advances, everything in the world around us is moving to a more interconnected future – whether its humans to machines, or even machines to machines. Humongous amounts of data is generated and processed every day and needs to be stored. The rise in cloud computing and storage has exacerbated the security concerns related to the data being worked with. Despite all measures that are taken within the cloud computing architecture, these networks are still vulnerable to attacks. Fog computing is a revolutionary …show more content…

Cisco, a leading networking giant and a pioneer in the field, predicts that by 2020, there will be up to 50 billion connected devices. That is a very large number. As intelligence, data storage and analysis will move towards the edge , many devices will be located in locations of low security, making them vulnerable to …show more content…

Too much data is being sent over these networks. Especially if we look into the future, where there will be billions of connected devices, the amount of data being exchanged will be uncontrollably high.
Root cause: extensive growth of the Internet of Things technology
2. Latency – This is perhaps the most technical and prominent limitation of cloud computing, which is only worsening with the passing of time. Latency, which is the delay between the client request and the cloud response, can be a big pulling down factor. Delays even up to a couple of hundred milliseconds can cause many control centres to go unstable.
Root cause: Geographic difference between the datacentre and the end users, and the ever-increasing data traffic, which increases the congestion.
3. Impractical resiliency – Resiliency is the ability of a server or data center to continue operating, even when there has been an equipment failure, power outage, or any other disruption. [x5] In a cloud network, one can’t distinguish between a ridiculously slow network and a dead one. This is very important, especially during DDoS attacks
Root cause: Lack of

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