
The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control Laws

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Gun Control Laws do not relate with less violence. This is a big argument going around the U.S today. Many people think that banning guns will make the violence rate go down. But I think wrong, I think banning guns will just make people mad, and make this country in more debt. Why do I think this? Because people will still buy them illegally, people will will always have guns, and people's mental illness will take effect.

A big issue is that people will still buy guns illegally even if they are banned. If you really think about it, most people that do crimes buy illegal guns with no serial numbers. Guns have serial numbers so the bullet can be traced back to the gun. From the online article PBS hotline its states, “The next biggest source of illegal gun transactions where criminals get guns are sales made by legally licensed but corrupt at-home and commercial gun dealers” ( Noyes 1). So what the article is stating is that people will sell guns illegally at their houses to criminals. Which would ultimately mean that people would still …show more content…

Mental Illness, there are many of them but the most common symptom is disorders that affect your mood. Most of the school shootings and huge mass murders of people are because of someone's mental illness. People can't control their mental illness but they can control their guns. From the article “Gun Control Won't Prevent School Shootings” it states, “people with severe mental illnesses who are being treated are more dangerous that the general population” (Malcolm,Marshal 1). As you can see from the article it says that people that have a mental illness are more likely to be dangerous with a gun or any sort of weapon. This because they can have severe mood swings that cause them to lose control of their body, which results in violence act. Overall I believe this is one of the main reasons people think that guns should

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