1. From my interview experience I believe there are multiple pros and cons of using them as a research tool. One of the main pros is the easy transparency and clarification of the data collected from interviews, rather than simply looking at research articles, etc. I was face to face gathering my information, therefore if I needed anything clarified, or described more in depth it was easy to get that for my research. I can also adjust my questions for easy understanding depending on who I’m interviewing which I would not be able to do if I only used something like a questionnaire. One con that did not affect me but came to mind is if I were to be interviewing multiple individuals it could be time consuming trying to arrange interviews around everyone’s schedule. My interview was slightly time consuming, therefore another con I noticed is that when using an interview as a research tool, my candidates could get tired and put less thought into their responses towards the end of the interview.
2. For my interview, I interviewed my mom. I think this influenced my questions in the sense that I felt that I could ask more questions without the concern for digging too deep or offending someone. I
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They had been married for a while and her husband had been solid at his job for a while so they decided that it was the perfect time to get pregnant and start a family (K. Lewis, personal communication, February 7, 2018). This immediately brought forward two influences from Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory—macrosystems and exosystems. This mother’s macrosystem involves her cultural beliefs, more specifically in her case—her religious beliefs. Her important of marriage before children was clear. Secondly, the exosystem for her was her husband’s work. He was working steadily at a good paying job and this influenced her choice to have a child at this point in their