The Pros And Cons Of Lowering The Drinking Age

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During the panel discussion, my group talked about why we should or shouldn’t change the drinking age. I learned a lot of information on how the alcohol affects the body and brain.I also found out why the law should be changed or remain the same.
The discussion showed me that if the law gets changed, is not really that essential because the cons of the law changing doesn’t really outweigh the pros of the law being changed. As the discussion pointed out, the Europeans have lowered their drinking age, and just provided the people with the knowledge about, what and how they can both enjoy and be safe while drinking. As a result of the education that is being provided to the people, they have few accidents and acts of violence that are caused by alcohol. The effects of alcohol has on the body and brain, and looking at the variety of countries that have the lower drinking age will help us take the right steps to lowering the drinking age. On the other hand, also keeping the people safe and reducing the number of drunk driving accidents. …show more content…

It helps me in my biology class. The brain, and alcohol, the substance, and chemical compounds in the alcohol were some of the things I learned. Also, how each brain section is affected differently. So, in biology class, we are studying the brain and its functions and how every part has its own job to do. While I was researching the topic the brain and its functions came across ,so that helped me ahead of time.
The way a civil discourse becomes successful is by looking at both sides of the topic and comparing the difference and looking for the best solution, For all sides. The civil discourse makes sure that all sides and options are looked at, also that we see the pros and cons of the topic before the change is