The Pros And Cons Of Marijuana

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What do you think? You can smoke it, it’s editable, it can be used as a ingestible oil, liquified and be dabbed this is Marijuana. The real question is, if this substance is something hippies do for fun or can it be used for good? Well if you keep reading you can find real evidence why this can save many lives by being used as a medication and how it can make the government lots of money. Try to be more opened minded rather than just thinking black and white. Marijuana can be used as medicine. It works because your body already makes a marijuana like chemical that affects pain inflammation, and many other processes. “Marijuana can sometimes help those natural chemicals work better”(Harding, 2016). “Rick Simpson is known for inventing …show more content…

Weed is considered a gateway drug and you could possible get addicted to marijuana just like you can any other drug or prescribed medication. That just the thing though, how can prescribed medication, like painkillers or ADHD medication be prescribed, but not marijuana. “An estimated 2.4 million Americans used prescription drugs non medically for the first time within the past year, which averages to approximately 6,600 initiates per day. More than one-half were females and about a third were aged 12 to 17” ("How Many People Abuse Prescription Drugs?" , 2016). The difference from drugs and marijuana this that about 570,000 people die annually due to drug use but there has been zero deaths from marijuana ( "Drug Facts Chat Day: Drug Abuse", 2016 ). “That breaks down to about 440,000 from disease related to tobacco, 85,000 due to alcohol, 20,000 due to illegal drugs, and 20,000 due to prescription drug abuse” ( "Drug Facts Chat Day: Drug Abuse", 2016 ). the funny part about all this is that alcohol, tobacco, and prescribed drugs are legalized even though it can hurt and kill so many lives. So yes, there is a risk that you can be addicted to marijuana, but you can also be addicted to anything just watch the show strange