The Pros And Cons Of Medical Technology

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In the article “Medical Technology and Ethical Issues” by William E. Thompson and Joseph V. Hickey give the pros and cons of medical technology deciding patient outcomes instead of a doctors instincts.
Critics and ethicists are against the RIP system. According to the authors, the program makes informed decisions about life saving treatments. “In emergency rooms across the world, this program is helping doctors make life–saving treatments or simply allow patients to die. Using statistical probability, the program analyzes all of the input on a particular patient and makes a prognosis on the likely hood of survival”. Medical ethicist Arthur Caplan of Philadelphia argues that “computers should not be used to make decisions about the allocation …show more content…

Having infallible faith in a program with a chance of error is dangerous. Arthur Caplan points out the “computer will be wrong in about 5% of all cases”. The RIP program could also become biased and discriminatory based on social characteristics (age, race, religion). Overall, “contemporary modern hospitals” and healthcare providers have benefited from computers X-ray machines and etc. In the same way it resembles the program but a line must be drawn between storing data and making decisions the doctors usually make.
“Medical Technology and ethical issues” by William E. Thompson and Joseph V. Hickey review the pros and cons of medical technology and uses the RIP program as the object of attention. Medical experts gave their opinions and back them with facts. One argument advocates against the use of the RIP system. On the other hand the second argument advocates for the system and how similar technologies that only give feedback are important. Finally, there is a debate over the social and ethical issues related to