
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Performance Enhancing Drugs

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Performance Enhancing Drugs Introduction Performance enhancing drugs have become almost an established part of sports activities in our society, and allows the athletes to reach lengths they could never have dreamed of reaching without these drugs. However the ethical question of whether performance enhancing drugs are highly unfair and even dangerous, or if they are no worse than more traditional ways of enhancing performances, stands unanswered. Taking my point of departure in the points presented by the three authors, Travis Track, David Van Mill and Richard Taite, I will discuss the benefits and disadvantages of performance enhancing drugs. Outline In his article “The Inside Dope: Professional Athletes and Performance Enhancing Drugs”, Travis Track is discussing the view on doping in the past as opposed to the view on doping now. He claims, that before the 70’s, people did not care if athletes used performance enhancing drugs (PED’s), but today they do. “It seems disingenuous for us as a …show more content…

Van Mill then argues that most ways to enhance performances are unavailable to some. For instance psychologists, dietitians, massage therapists and skin-tight swimsuits are unaffordable to some, since not every athlete is equally wealthy. The second argument he takes up, is that performance enhancing drugs are unhealthy. His counter argument here is first of all that performance enhancing drugs are not particularly dangerous. However, even if they were, he argues that participating in many sporting activities is very dangerous as

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