The Pros And Cons Of President Truman

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President Harry Truman used of the atomic bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan during the Second World War. It is viewed as one of the most controversial decisions in wartime history. It was a very difficult decision for President Truman, but it was truly necessary in order to end the six-year war. Being the President of the United States brings many duties and one of the most important duties as commander- in- chief is to protect the American citizens and soldiers that the President serves and in turn served the United States. There have been many that would argue that the bomb was used primarily as an act of vengeance toward Japan. The United States was obviously violated in the surprise attack of Pearl Harbor. President Truman was trying to preserve relations with the other Allied countries. There was always the possibility that the Soviet Union would be a possible threat after the war. President Truman needed to consider that problem. Many other problems to consider would be if the United States would have a possible arms race, what would be the moral reasons of using this weapon and if any American lives would possibly be lost if the United States invades Japan. These are some of the positives and negatives President Truman had to consider when weighing in to use of this massively powerful weapon never that had never before been used …show more content…

While trying to secure world peace, the United States was trying to maintain the wanted role as world leader. President Franklin Roosevelt, in 1939 appointed a committee to research the possibility of using atomic energy for military purposes. When the United States entered the war in December 1941, this research was given priority. The project received an extension throughout the war. The Manhattan Project was so highly secretive. Only a select chosen few knew of the plan to develop the atomic