
The Pros And Cons Of Private Prisons

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Oliver also touches the subject of race relating to drug convictions and he states that whites and blacks use about the same quantity of drugs. Oliver states that Blacks are nearly ten times more likely to be convicted than Whites for drug offenses. Since the 1980’s, drug offenses have tripled and of those arrests marijuana accounted for about half of those offenses (Mcelrath, Taylor, & Tran, 2016). In some states, the use of marijuana accounts for nearly 60% of those convicted for drug offenses (Mcelrath, Taylor, & Tran, 2016). Those convicted of using a lower classification drug like marijuana should not be in jail or prisons with those convicted of an egregious crime like rape or murder. In a study conducted in 2013, the research targeted …show more content…

Private prisons have exponentially expanded throughout the U.S. in the past decades and with the expansion of a corporation there will be setbacks. The YouTube video by John Oliver he enlightens the viewers about the negatives of private prisons and the companies who operates them like GEO group and the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA). Oliver states that in 2012, about 8.7% of inmates were held in private prisons. Oliver reiterates that GEO group and the CCA had a combined revenue of over 3 billion dollars. It’s unfathomable that some corporations that are supposed to be taking care of the inmates with healthcare and decent food are essentially profiting from inmates. Oliver also clarified that GEO group had a lawsuit against them because of the poor quality of food served to the prisoners which included maggots being found in the food, and rat contaminations. GEO group encountered various lawsuits in the past decade including one that involved rectal examinations and “inadequate medical care” which lead to a sexual assault (Riley, 2017). GEO groups main focus is to make money regardless of the well-being of

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