Private Prisons Pros And Cons

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Prisons today are for individuals who break the law, found guilty of that crime by the legal system, and are sent away for five reasons, which are: retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, restoration, and rehabilitation. The prison system a few hundred years ago was what it is now; there were not any large building to hold criminals. Mostly, criminals were tried and punished on the spot, paid their fines, or even put to death (Lynch 2011). The prison system today is definitely an improvement as to how people were tried and literally put to death for any crime.
Prisons today should still be maintained by the federal government. The use of private corrections does have benefits however; it should not be at the cost of the inmates that are being housed there when their basic rights are being violated i.e. medical care, educational needs and rehabilitative needs. It seems as if these facilities try to cut corners when it comes to saving money, even at the expense of their own officers that are …show more content…

They face many decisions regarding the care of the people they are guarding and also trying to maintain their safety. They also are the only people who have freedom within the walls that are confining hundreds if not thousands of prisoners who do not have that right. These men and woman may be confronted with ethical dilemmas on a daily basis; however, they should know the difference between right and wrong, regardless of their authority. If they violate any type of ethical codes, they should receive some type of retraining and punishment, if not removed from their position. If these violations do get them incarcerated, they should not be housed with the regular inmate population because they will have a target on their backs from those inmates. Some of the inmates have nothing to lose, so threatening, beating or ultimately killing an officers that was over them as authority would mean nothing to