
The Pros And Cons Of Social Capital

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Many scholars argue (Quibria, 2003, Portes 1998, Durlauf) that the majority of studies are explaining social capital approaches to exaggerate its useful aspects. Quibria, (2003 p.) explained “leads to circuitous reasoning”—and overstatement of the advantages of social capital. Though, social capital has its advantages, however, the same ties that benefit members of a group can result in negative outcomes such as the exclusion of outsiders, excessive claims by insiders, restrictions of individual freedoms, and perpetuation of backwards norms etc. (Quibria, 2003, Eriksson, 2011). Social capital as a function (Coleman, 1988) can establish chances for network members; though, this is normally supported on religion, ethnicity, language, and career. …show more content…

This is due to group solidarity in human societies is normally purchased at the hostility price about outsiders by group members (Eriksson, 2011). Fukuyama (2001), explained that this does not prohibit social capital as a type of capital on the grounds that physical capital can take the type of assault rises or tasteless entertainment whereas human capital can be implemented to devise new approaches of torturing individuals. Furthermore, he explained that since there are laws in communities to stop the production of various social ‘bads’, it can be considered that most legal implementation of social capital are no less ‘goods’ than the other types of capital insofar as they support individuals get their targets (Fukuyama …show more content…

Like physical capital, which can be applied for particular intentions, social capital is suitable in the sense that an actor's system of, say, friendship ties can be applied for other aims, like information collection. Furthermore, social capital can be "converted" to other forms of capital: the benefits conferred through one's position in a social system can be changed into economic or other benefits. Among the particular types of capital recognised through Bourdieu, economic capital is most important; it is convertible into culture, human, and social capital. In contrast, the "convertibility rate" of social capital into economic capital is not high, since social capital is less liquid and further "sticky" (Anheier, Gerhards, & Romo, 1995; Smart,

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