Social Contract Essay

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Every human being in a society has to go through certain development phases in our live. Each phases has their own contract that we need to prevail as our live moves from one stage to another. During childhood, men are bind to the filial contract with their parents and siblings as the contract is established during the bonding moment . At this stage, the terms of the contract is that the child will give the parents certain enjoyments that come with parenthood and as in return, the children will receive the parents’ love, guidance and support. As the child grows, he then will meet a larger society, which consists of other individuals with different ideologies and beliefs. And in order for these individuals to live in peace, they will have to bind themselves to the next contract, which is social contract. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, social contract is an agreement among the people in a society or between a group and its leader that defines and limits the rights and duties of each. Meanwhile from the legal perspective, Merriam-Webster defined social contract as “an actual or hypothetical agreement among individuals forming an organized society or between the community and the ruler that defines and limits the rights and duties of each”. On the other hand, social contract in …show more content…

They are so self-interest that they could harm other people up to the extend of killing each other. Therefore, social contract was introduced in order for men to escape the state of nature and unites as a civil society. Hobbes argues that since men are naturally self-interested, yet rational, they will submit themselves to the Sovereign’s authority in order to be able to live in an organized and peaceful society (Hobbes, 1651). Hobbes believes that society become possible because there is a superior and powerful person to force men to