Speeding Problem

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According to Penmesta and Pulugurtha, violating traffic laws can result in serious injury and even fatalities between motorist in the United States. While people are affected by speeding motorist daily, other factors, such as drugs and alcohol, are two times more likely to cause more severe accidents as opposed by a sober person. My issue is excessive speeds have been the factor in deaths across the country. In their article, their research has pointed out that people that have broken the traffic laws has resulted in crashes and fatalities, but we also need a retraining program to achieve zero traffic deaths. The second article, A new approach for assessing and training drivers’ speed management, supports the finding by Penmasta and Pulugurtha. …show more content…

By making the driving school more computer interactive and simulated to real life speeds, teenagers will be able to react to real life scenarios. My issue of the 16 – 25-year-old demographic got one-third of all speeding tickets throughout the year. In their article, their research pointed out that with more simulation people inexperienced and more experienced driving will be able to become better and safer drivers on the road. The third article, profiling high-range speeding offenders: Investigating criminal history, personal characteristics, traffic offences, and crash history, supports the findings that were found by Lavoie, Lee, Allison and Parker. This article shows that speeding is not an issue in the United States, but also in Australia. Lavoie, Lee, Allison and Parker used the qualitative research method by looking at the bigger picture of what causes speeding. With the qualitative method, “effective training and assessment of speed management requires a safe method for accumulating practice that includes realistic perceptual …show more content…

Using the qualitative method, they were able to find “the results indicate that speeding offenders are not an homogeneous group and that, therefore, more tailored and innovative sanctions should be considered and evaluated for high-range recidivist speeders because they are a high-risk road user group”. As for the research, there are some disadvantages of using the qualitative method. According to Watson, Siskins, Fleiter, and Soole they used 84,456 citations issued for speeding that were placed in groups. “The three groups were then compared in terms of personal characteristics, traffic offences, crash history and criminal history”. These results could show some bias nature for profiling the violator. The research in this article compares vehicle racing, either car or bike, with everyday people who try to emulate those professional drivers on the track out on the street. Also, that the driving of people speeding causes harm to no only other vehicles but to pedestrians on the road. My issue that sport cars have a better chance of getting speeding tickets than the typical sedan or SUV shows how that’s possible in this article. In their research, it shows that males are more prominent to buy the sports car and drive it like they’re on a