Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports Essay

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Sport is an activity undertaken by a person or team in which they compete against another person or team, by complying with the rules and standards set out as part of the individual sport. Sport can be seen through its base definition that it is mean to promote the showcase of skill, hard work, endurance and talent.
Although sport is seen as a social unifier both locally and internationally, with huge influence in terms of both the cultural and economical ties it has with the world as it supplies us with huge industries that revolve around the playing, watching and supporting of the sports and their teams. This is also at the core of the reason people believe that professionals dope and provide themselves with illegal support in the form of banned substances. Among other famous doping scandals the more prominent is Legendary Cyclist Lance Armstrong who after doping and cheating for so many years and denying the …show more content…

The use and abuse of performance-enhancing drugs in sport has become an increasing problem across a wide range of sports. It is defined as any substance or drug that, when taken, gives an athlete an unfair advantage relative to a clean athlete. The banning of these drugs promotes an equal playing field and overall equality among participants. The drugs taken by athletes differ widely based on the performance needs of the sport.
In Humphrey’s book, Foul Play: What’s Wrong with Sport, he tries to bring to light his view that sport is ultimately a negative thing for society as a whole. As he believes it creates violence, unnecessary stereotyping and the creation of barriers between groups. He believes sport as it is today is more of a bad thing due to being molded into a hotpot for malicious investments and social malice’s, (such as Supporter