
The Pros And Cons Of The Electoral College

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Our election process does not represents the diversity of our nation. The election system has so many flaws that it does not consider everybody's voice , which is wrong to do because we should all have the same equal rights and have our voices heard. The electoral college winner takes all, ID laws , and lobbying, should all be changed. It limits certain people to vote and limits the the right of the first amendment. The Electoral college is one of the three systems that does not let the voice of people to be heard. The Electoral college is a twisted system, It states in Posner, R. A. (2012, November 12), “Candidate receives a majority of the popular vote, or a plurality of the popular vote (less than 50 percent but more than any other candidate), takes all …show more content…

Lobbying affects our voices to be heard when they persuade people to vote for what they want by bribing them.In the site Is Lobbying Good or Bad? It states “A lobbyist can't walk up to a lawmaker with a briefcase full of cash and say’ Hey, Senator , I'll give you 100,00 if you vote our way on this bill.’But lobbyist can still give the congress members 100,000 and much , much more without breaking the laws”. It ain't fair for the people who want their voice to be heard, but don't have millions of dollars to bribe the congressmen for what they want. Lobbying can also have a positive effect because some lobbyist represent minorities that their voices aren't being heard. For instance, The boy scouts and girl scouts of america hire lobbyist. Are they bad for doing that? In the past three years, guess which “special interest” spent more than 20 million on “special Interest lobbying? The American Cancer Society. Some lobbyist actually do care what people want and have in mind. We should all think twice before thinking on judging on a lobbyist and not knowing what cause his money is going

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