The Pros And Cons Of The Federal Energy Policy

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Federalism is a political notion where a group of individuals are joined together by contract with a leading spokesperson, to initiate a system of government in which independence is constitutionally divided between a dominant governing power and essential political components, such as states and localities. When involving federalism with federal policies, there is a struggle when determining how much control the federal government has over the states and how much both the federal and state governments have control over local administrations. In this particular essay I will demonstrate the Federal Energy Policy and how it raises issues of federalism, along with the pros and cons that surround the policy. The Federal Energy Policy is a policy that was determined by federal, state, and local units to tackle issues of energy production, energy distribution, and the utilization of energy. In 1974 the Federal Energy Administration Act was created to collect and analyze energy information for the Federal Government, State Governments and localities. In 1976 the Energy Conservation and Production Act was put into play in order to relay reports regularly to the Congress and localities on the energy situation. Then …show more content…

The pros to the policies to improve energy efficiency are, reduction of oil imports, improve the reliability of the U.S. electric grid, save consumers money, reduction of air pollution, create more jobs, and reduce prices from manufacturing systems to transportation choices, to home appliances. (Blackmon, 2014) However, the cons are, the solutions encourage expensive quick fixes that ignore the market and technology certainties. Also congress and presidential administrations launch doubtful prospects that take no ample consideration of the costs to the environment, not to mention the actual dollar costs. (Novick, 1976) Energy isn’t free, so saving energy means saving