The Pros And Cons Of The Filibuster

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Filibuster is known as a “the effort by a senator to delay the chamber’s business by making long speeches” (Bond, 726). This tactic is used normally when a senator wants to have a bill be ignored so it won’t pass. They do this by taking all of the available time for the bill by talking or making a speech. Which means that the filibuster is believed to impair with the political process. A lot of people believe it should end while others do not see the harm. This controversial topic has even been the topic for various movies including the 1939 movie, Mr. Smith goes to Washington. With such a great exposure, is it really that bad? The filibuster is something that impairs policy making from occurring. The Senate should eliminate the use of the filibuster completely. This is because the majority parties take advantage of the filibuster. They do this by taking advantage of the cloture rule by using their party members to block presidential nominations. They do this by using the 60 vote requirement to end the filibuster. This means that if the party has enough members they can decide to end the filibuster and vote according to what they want the outcome to be (Liss). When this started to occur Bill Frist came up with the Nuclear Option that would end the filibuster with a simple majority vote …show more content…

It is something most people think when they think about the United States Senate. This is because it allows the senators to work together. This occurs because they can decide to put a bill on the floor and make changes according to what they want (Understanding the Filibuster). This shows the original intend of the filibuster. The original intend of the filibuster was to allow minority parties to be heard. This occurs because the minority party can make long speeches to get their point across and develop their points to persuade the majority political parties to vote for a bill they want (Bond,