The Pros And Cons Of The Fracking Industry

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The technological advance of oil and natural gas extraction has advanced greatly in the last few decades. The method of propelling sand, chemicals, and water beneath the surface of the Earth in Shale rocks is known as hydraulic fracturing or fracking (Occupy Theory, 2014); while effective at extracting oil and natural gas, fracking remains a controversial method. Many factors such as water consumption and reduction of surface toxicity play major roles in the debate about the expansion of the fracking industry. With the high price of oil, new technologies were necessary for supply the energy demands and decrease prices. Fracking allows companies to access more oil and gas because they are able to horizontally drill through rocks thereby obtaining more product. This technology expands access to pockets of previously unreachable fuel. The improved technology allows drilling companies to maximize their return on investments because fracking extracts product more quickly than conventional methods. In addition, companies have access to oil and natural gas deposits that were un-drillable until this technology became feasible Another benefit of the United States investing in fracking is that it will decrease the nation’s dependence on foreign oil and other nonrenewable resources. This means the price can be more stable since …show more content…

While the technology has great economic benefit for our country, researchers are unsure of the long-term effects on the nation’s populations. Both the good and the bad aspects of fracking should be considered in the continued practice of the method. No matter the decision, both sides of the debate can agree that renewable energy sources need to be investigated because fracking only slows the rate the world will run out of oil and natural gas – fracking is not a permanent

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