The Pros And Cons Of The Muslim Brotherhood

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The past several years I have been reporting on the dangers of 'Political Islam' and the foothold it has gained in the United States due to the present administrations unique relationship with Muslim Brotherhood fronts. Most of my effort has fallen upon deaf ears as the U.S. populace is in total denial that this is happening in our country. I have been observing with astonishment how many leaders of the free world have capitulated to the tactical strategies employed by the academic soldiers of the 'Civilization Jihad'. The Muslim Brotherhood's insatiable desire to destroy cultures,religions, and philosophies that are not in alignment with their archaic warped ideology is eating up western civilization like the pac man game. Several weeks ago I disseminated the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood is gaining a dominate influence …show more content…

not to global leaders of NGO's. The UN has perpetually gravitated toward becoming a Global Governance entity. If the MB infiltrates and gains a dominant voice in the multitude of organizations that come under the umbrella of the UN... then that will give them world-wide platform which to enforce compliance to 'Sharia Law'. Which is their ultimate goal and the conquest of the U.S. is their number one priority. The MB is already eating apple pie as they are influencing the distribution of migrants to the U.S. through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). You have to ask yourself... with the tens of thousands of non-Muslims being horrifically persecuted in the Middle East... why are Muslims the vast majority being distributed to the U.S.? View UN organizations: The Taliban are fond of saying... "You guys have the watches but we have the time". (Translation: They will push forward the Caliphate for eternity and