The Pros And Cons Of The Presidential Debate

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The presidential debate gives the presidential candidates a chance to explain their policies and how they differ from the other nominee. It is also an opportunity for them to display their stances on certain political issues. Even with the benefits, it is a major risk, for instance, one critical mistake can be the deciding factor whether a voter will choose to vote for them or not. Nevertheless, it’s worth the risk because appearing the debate can help the candidates draw in more undecided voters or possibly change one's vote. It may cause less voter turnout or vise-verse. At this event, the mediator will ask the candidates with a set of questions and in return the candidates are limited to a two-minute response. On occasion, the candidates …show more content…

Hillary openly states she is for Obama care or the Affordable Care Act. Clinton: "Right now we are at 90 percent health insurance covered. That's the highest we've ever been in our country." Clinton is right (Linda Qiu 1). She wants to continue the program and refine it in terms of cost. She states the program has benefited many Americans. Her statement holds in terms of the minimum coverage that insurance companies must provide do to the Affordable Care Act ("Fact Checks of the Second Presidential Debate" 1). It allows all Americans to be insured without being denied coverage. Clinton states she laid a series of actions to bring the cost down. Yet she didn’t explain those series of actions during the debate. According to New York Times lawmakers of both political parties stated she played a substantial role for Children’s Health Insurance Program in 1997. Also New York times mentions she was a major supporter of the law that offered medical regulation and treatment to emergency workers and cleanup workers at the site of the World Trade Center attacks. Clinton said 20 million people got insured and it is making a difference in their lives. She argues that it the Affordable Care Act is beneficial. Her reasons are that insurance companies can’t deny one from coverage based on their previous critical condition, plus there are no lifetime limits especially those with lifetime problems, men and women must be charged equally for health insurance. Also, another benefit she stated is that if a person under 26 they can be insured through their parent's health insurance policy. Although premiums, deductibles, copays, and subscriptions have gone up. Still, Affordable Care Act is separate from insurance companies. When talking about refining the program and she wants cost to go down and aid small business. She does not go into to depth on how. She did not include how she is going to implement it through the