Treaty Of Versailles

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Throughout the history of mankind, countless wars have been fought. Whether these wars were local disputes, civil wars, or huge international conflicts, they have always ended with agreements of peace and a ceasefire between nations. Today, this process can be done in the United Nations headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Unfortunately, the United Nations (UN) did not exist until recently(1945), and prior to the creation of the UN, disputes were forced to be resolved between nations themselves. One of the greatest wars mankind has ever faced ended in 1919, and a peace treaty was negotiated between the allied nations and Germany. The treaty was called “The Treaty of Versailles” since it was negotiated in the palace of Versailles in France. …show more content…

France hoped that a Germany with a crippled military would be unable to start another conflict like WWI. Subsequently, Germany was forced reduce its armed forces from 6 million to 100,000 troops, and get rid of many of its weapons, such as their submarines, military aircraft and most of their artillery. Their Navy battleships were limited to only six small ones, and 1.7 million troops were lost to the war. Aside from being militarily imprisoned, Germany was also politically imprisoned. Germany was not allowed to join the League of nations until 1926. Germany was greatly disadvantaged, because it couldn’t protect it’s citizens from outside threats, and was humiliated due to the rigorous demands of the treaty of Versailles, and the terrible loss of the war. Germany was no longer seen as powerful by the other nations, since it couldn’t even join the league of nations until 7 years after it was established. The United States, the nation that created the League of nations abandoned it to focus on itself. Which didn’t raise much question when Hitler ordered the German delegates to leave the League of nations that they were only a part of because they forced themselves in. The absence of a German military only gave more of a reason for the creation of a new one, which is taken control of by Adolf Hitler in