The Pros And Cons Of The United Nations

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Anna Lindh once said: “The United Nations remains our most important global actor. … [United Nations] upholds international peace and stability.” United Nations is an international alliance that was established after the conclusion of World War II and the signing of Treat of Versailles 1919, whose structure is similar to the one of the League of Nations. United Nations came into presence on October 24th, 1945, longing to foster international cooperation and to ensure long lasting peace. The formation of United Nations has enhanced the lifestyles of modern society: it serves as one of the most efficient organization, which generally deals with environmental, humanitarian, and security agendum. However, United States, at its own interest, violated …show more content…

However, United States and United Kingdom’s airstrikes were ought to be extreme since the bombing sabotaged the innocent ones. The possible reason for US to undertake such actions was to avenge for the severe losses from the 9/11 event. Additionally, in order to demonstrate US’s strong military power to the globe, US had taken this as an opportunity. Whereas the US had successfully proven its troops’ strengths, Barrack Obama now faces criticism: rash, uncooperative, and brutal. Indeed, the United Nations Security Council might not be able to come up with the most feasible resolutions to cope with the dilemmas that take place in the Middle East and was unable to execute immediate actions; however, US’s defilement might provoke other series of social unrest in neighboring regions and more unknowing residents have to be sacrificed. Nevertheless, United States is guilty from this operation; it has manipulated society’s perspective and targeted toward ISIS as the origin of all those uprisings. Those measures taken by United States apparently indicated its ambitions to take control of the world by intervening with other nations’ sovereignty, by dwindling others’ autonomy, and by neglecting the most esteemed international law that upholds contemporary