The Pros And Cons Of The United Nations Charter

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Article 2(4) of the United Nations Charter states that, "all member states shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, nor in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations” . It is therefore a unilateral agreement signed by member states against the use of force when dealing each other. World events however since the signing and ratification of the UN Charter have indicated that states who are signatories to the charter continue to use force against each other for various reasons. Some 25 years after the writing and ratification of the charter one cannot doubt that states have used force and sought to justify it through individual or collective self-defence claims, as well as humanitarian claims in furtherance of national agendas and to increase territory. This no doubt may have been what frustrated Franck into the stance that Article 2(4) was in its grave. From the very beginning the Charter has had shortcomings as it relates to enforcement and sanctioning, loopholes, which states used to abuse the exceptions of Article 51 . Article 51 gives states the “inherent right of individual or collective self defence”, which has been used vet loosely by some for example Israel in Entebbe in 1976. In this instance there had been a hijacking and the plane had landed in Entebbe, Uganda and the hijackers were holding Israeli and Jews hostage. Israeli forces