The Pros And Cons Of Transgender Inmates

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Physical and sexual abuse, whether it is reported or not, is a problem that many prisoners face, however, transgender prisoners are key victims of this violence. Transgender inmates are 13 times more likely to be a victim of sexual assault/rape than non-transgender inmates (Brown 2014). Allen J. Beck (2014) reports an alarming result of 39.3 percent of sexual victimisation among transgender inmates in state & federal prisons, along with, 26.8 percent in local jails throughout America. For transgender women, most of them are incarcerated in male prisons based on their gender at birth. This raises significant risks of sexual assault/rape from the other male inmates as they present as a woman with feminie characteristics and demeanour. The Tasmanian Council for Sex and Gender Diverse People (Australian Human Rights Commission 2011) argued that trans people should not be forced into incarceration on the basis of their gender at birth or put into isolation for their protection. …show more content…

Isolation and segregation from the other prisoners to protect the transgender inmates are often just as harmful as them being placed with the general inmates. These areas with segregated inmates can sometimes pose a higher risk of physical and sexual assault because the more violent offenders who are housed in these sections too (Rodgers, Asquith, Dwyer 2017,

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