Disparities In Canada

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Canadians take pride in their health care system; however, most Canadians are unaware of the disparities that exist for transgender persons within health care. Being ridiculed, denied care, or treated unjustly because of a self-identification as transgender goes against the core values of the nursing profession (Canadian Nurses Association, 2009); despite this, ten percent of transgender participants in the Ontario Trans PULSE survey reported that they had experienced these demonstrations of prejudice when accessing emergency room services. This statistic may be lower than the reality due to transgender persons frequently avoiding the health care system (Bauer & Scheim, 2015). According to the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) Code of Ethics (2009) nursing staff are expected to provide, “safe, compassionate, competent, and ethical care” (p. 3); however, due to lack of policies and lack of education nursing staff and physicians are detrimentally adding to the stressors of transgender life.

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