Gender Inequality In Canada's Workplaces

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It is broadly recognized that gender equality (equality between men and women) is essential for organizational growth, ensuring equality between women and men is not only a necessity from a rights perspective, but it also makes sense in all ramification. Most industrialized countries like Canada have long since evolved from the use of women in jobs such as servants, dressmakers, seamstresses, tailors, housekeepers, launderers, milliners and saleswomen as widely practiced in the 20th century.
Racial diversity or racialized groups in the Canadian context can also be termed as visible minority. Visible minorities are defined by the Canadian Employment Equity Act as “persons, other than Aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white …show more content…

This theoretical paper assesses the progress or lack thereof made over time with regards to racialize/visible minority and gender participation/progress in Canada’s workplaces. This research statement and ultimately the final research paper would answer the following questions:
• Is gender still a hindrance in Canada’s workplaces?
• Are there evidence of increasing racial and gender diversity in workplaces?
• Are there evidence of increasing gender diversity in workplaces?
• Is racial diversity and gender a hindrance or benefit to organizational culture?
In 1991, there was an increase in non-standard work in industrialized nation like Canada. There are mountain of empirical evidence that most female opted for this kind of work in the 20th century (Beechy and Perkin1987;Elson ; Kainer 1998). An encouraging report from Statistics Canada in 2011, noted that women now comprise slightly less than half of the employed labor force (48.0%). Geometrically progressing from non-standard work to 10 broad occupational categories. Women aged 15 years and over were most likely to be employed in sales and service occupations (27.1%); business, finance and administration occupations (24.6%); and occupations in education, law and social, community and government services (16.8%). (Statistic Canada,