Sexism In Workplace

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INTRODUCTION. Sexism towards women in the workplace also known as occupational sexism is one of the oldest form of discrimination against women. Despite increasing campaigns on gender equality and feminist movements worldwide, working women continue to fight for equality especially in white-collar setings. Though there has been profound progress through the years, working women continue to face more challenges as compared to men both in the western as well as developing countries. Studies now show that the Equal Pay Act passed in the United States in 1963 to abolish gender based salary differences is not being enforced as women continue to earn less than their male counterparts in the same field (Campos,2015). Moreover,black women have to struggle with diversity on top of inequality. The situation is worse in developing countries where progress is impeded by cultural beliefs and practices regarding women where they are asscociated more with domestic chores for example. Even with more women taking up roles in leadership, business and politics today, many more continue to face dicrimination during hiring and promotions as well as salary disparities. Historical and Contemporary Aspects Originally, women were more involved with domestic work and still are especially in developing countries. This changed in the 20th century when they began joining the corporate workforce then dominated by males getting upto 60% of what the males earned. As a result, more women got employed