The Pros And Cons Of US-Mexico Border Patrol

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A desert lies ahead after crossing the U.S.-Mexico Border. There is nothing except miles of dry land with high temperatures reaching one hundred degrees. The desert is home to diamondback rattlesnakes, bark scorpions and centipedes. Many immigrants cross the border every day and many unfortunately die trying to cross the border. According to immigration expert and professor at University of California San Diego, Wayne Cornelius, 4 out of 5 immigrants use the help of a coyote to get them across the border (Becker and Bergman). The issues surrounding the U.S.-Mexico Border Patrol can be explained by examining its emotional and physical abuse on immigrants, the use of lethal force on immigrants, and the negative impact the Border Patrol and immigrants …show more content…

The Border Patrol is also harming the environment because the fence is disrupting the migrations cycles of animals. The Border Patrol’s enforcement operations is harming the environment. The Criminal Trafficking Operations are attracted to places where there are no border patrols because it guarantees them a journey without interruptions (“Securing Our Border...”). These Criminal Trafficking Operations target national parks and forests along the U.S.-Mexican border, which are becoming extremely dangerous for people to walk in. Theses parks are becoming dangerous because Drug Trafficking Organizations smuggle in drugs through National parks and forests. It is easier for the Drug Trafficking Organizations because there are no border patrols guarding those areas. As a result, many National parks have become inaccessible to U.S. citizens because they could be killed (“Securing Our Border...”). The Drug Trafficking Organizations are harming the environment because they go through national parks or forests and leave their cars in the forest to rust. They also leave trash behind, which harms the environment especially animals. The fence also harms the environment because it is affecting the migration cycle of many animals. Immigrants who cross the border illegally also harm the environment. They leave behind plastic water bottles and food cans. There …show more content…

According to Joshua Holland from The American Prospect, Border patrol agents regularly assume that they have the right to abuse their power by entering private property illegally, and violate the rights of immigrants and U.S. citizens as well. People who drive say that they have been racially profiled, had a gun pointed to their face, and have been verbally and physically abused by border agents at checkpoints. A women claimed that a CBP agent was going to use a stun gun on her brother because he asked why their automobile was being searched when they were at a checkpoint between Phoenix and Tucson. 1 out 142 “complaints obtained by the A.C.L.U have resulted in disciplinary action” the son of a retired border patrol agent was pulled over for no reason. The agent was given a one-day suspension (Santos). Racial profiling is why many of the residents who live near the border and border patrol agents do not have a friendly relationship because the border patrol agents automatically think that the people in their cars are doing an illegal activity. The number of Border Patrol agents has increased. In 1993 there were less than 3,500 and in 2012 there were over 18,500 border patrol agents. The number of Border Patrol agents keeps increasing