Border Security Thesis Statement

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AMERICAN PUBLIC UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Charles Town, West Virginia PROPOSAL FOR LSTD 299 RESEARCH PAPER ASSOCIATES DEGREE IN PARALEGAL STUDIES AMERICAN PUBLIC UNIVERSITY SYSTEM SCHOOL OF SECURITY AND GLOBAL STUDIES LEGAL STUDIES & EMERGENCY AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS BECKY DEKRUIFF 3112294 2017 I propose to the Legal Studies Associates Degree Capstone Professor a study of the following Topic, to be conducted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the paralegal Studies Associates Degree Program: Table of Contents Purpose Statement 2 Thesis Statement 2 Background 3-5 Significance of the Study 6 Conclusion 6-7 Purpose Statement My purpose of this research paper is to argue whether the act of searching a vehicle …show more content…

The need for security of our borders has become more prevalent since 9/11 and the use of Border Patrol has helped to ensure this security. Along with the increase of security on our nation, the increase on regulations governing not only police officers and government employees the regulations for Border Patrol have grown to ensure they are staying within the scope of their jurisdiction. Even though warrantless searches are deemed constitutional for Border Patrol, due to the amount of immigration within 100 miles of the Mexican border, warrantless searches may be deemed to be in violation of the 4th amendment because the 4th amendment states law enforcement must have a warrant or have probable cause to search a vehicle. Law enforcement agencies to include Border Patrol have been highlighted in the past years as disregarding the laws that govern through main stream media which is ever growing in this day in age. These government agencies have regulations and each department is supposed to follow the regulation in which are in accordance with the laws, however, time and time again these agents are found to be in violations of these laws. The misconduct of these agents is not only violating the 4th Amendment rights of American citizens it is also costing the tax payers millions of dollars in litigation