The Pros And Cons Of Ultrasounds

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Keepsake Ultrasounds: Worth The Risk? Entertainment Ultrasounds are becoming a popular thing in the medical imaging field. With today's new technology, 4D ultrasound scans can now show more physical features of babies still in the womb. Some establishments have started offering ultrasound scans to parents for entertainment purposes only. Although it may seem like a special opportunity for parents to get a sneak peek of their baby before it is born, after taking a closer look, there may be some reasons for parents to think twice before making an appointment. As with many things in the medical field, this topic is one that has been debated. Some doctors, physicists, and now the FDA have made it known that they do not agree with these sessions. The Food and Drug Administration has listed a few reasons why parents should avoid ultrasounds unless for diagnostic use. …show more content…

Ultrasound techs practicing in a hospital or clinic are well trained for exams. When registered ultrasound technicians scan expecting mothers, they are looking to make sure that the baby is healthy and for any possible complications. That is not the case with staff working at a keepsake ultrasound facility. Because registration is not a requirement for employees at these establishments, they “may not have the training, expertise, nor medical backgrounds to safely perform these examinations” (Fetal Ultrasounds, 2014, para. 3). Even though entertainment ultrasounds are not meant to replace medical exams, this can still cause problems for parents. If the staff at these places aren't able to see problems with the ultrasound, the parents could leave thinking everything is perfect with their baby while in reality their may be something that needs further testing (Fetal Ultrasounds, 2014, para.