
The Pros And Cons Of Vaccination

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Do the risks of vaccinations really outweigh the benefits, or is the media over-exaggerating?

Today, many parents around the world read unnerving articles and hear celebrities preach about the dangers of vaccinations, and how terrible they really are. But are their claims about modern immunization fact or fear? Truth or lie? Parents should not reject as many vaccinations as they currently do, because the benefits of current vaccines strongly outweigh the risks.

The fact is, some claims about vaccines are unsupported by scientific evidence. Jenny Mccarthy, a well-known actress, model, comedian, and anti-vaccine activist has a fourteen year old son, Evan, who was diagnosed with autism at the age of two and a half, after a series of vaccinations such as measles and mumps, polio, and many other common immunizations given to newborns. Due to the …show more content…

The problem with this, however, is the fact that even if an illness is wiped out in a certain part of the world, it can always resurface. For example, if a person travels to another country and so happens to pick up a disease from someone there, they will end up bringing it back to their country, where it can then spread and resurface. This is why we still immunize children, even if the virus hasn't been seen for years. Aside from that, the fact that many third-world countries are crawling with deadly disease and illness don’t have many of the luxuries of modern medicine that we have in the United States, should we not take advantage of the fact that we have the opportunity to protect ourselves from things such as and pertussis (whooping cough) which has the ability to kill infants and young children, and shingles, a painful skin condition that, while not very likely to be ruinous, can be very agonizing and, in some cases, long-lasting, while we have the requirements to do so

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