
The Protagonist In William Faulkner's A Rose For Emily

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In “A Rose for Emily”, William Faulkner created a story where a woman is in the center of attention and everyone surrounding her is an antagonist going against her. The feeling of everyone going against Emily this makes her want to run away and hide from everyone and everything. Everyone in this story just takes and never gives back to anything such as, her father locks her away that’s another reason why Emily hides away. By Emily locking herself away from everything makes her feel safer and able to control her life in a way. The most destructive antagonists in this story are her father, the townspeople and most importantly and most destructive is Emily herself. One of the main antagonist in this story is her father because he tries to control her and limit what she does because he is jealous of anyone else having her. Another main reason why her father would be considered an antagonist is he brings her down and holds her back from opportunities, like going out and finding a man. Emily’s father kept the world from her which would make her regret him and he died. So, to keep from having another man leave her she decides to kill Homer Barron so that she knows that she took control. Emily’s father is one of the most …show more content…

The townspeople even made fun and judged her, and she knew that was the reason why she is the way she is , which is one of the main reasons why she locks herself away from everyone. With the townspeople being so nosey it caused Emily to remain hidden with what she does so the people cannot keep judging her when they shouldn’t judge in the first place. The worst feeling someone can feel from another person is putting pity on them, which is what the townspeople do to Emily. The townspeople are the most horrible people in this story with driving Emily to do unimaginable things because she doesn’t know how to control the feelings she

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