The Pursuit Of Knowledge In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Mary Shelley was an English novelist, short story writer and was best known for her book “Frankenstein”. The book was written in 1816; but was not published until 1818. The main reason why she wrote this book was because of a contest between her and 3 others that were also on vacation, with Mary and her husband Percy. As a result, she won the contest and therefore was urged to publish the story, in which she did in 1818. All of them were at Lake Geneva, it was the coldest summer on record that year, that is what sparked Lord Bryon to start the contest. The reason why it was so cold because of a volcano eruption of Tambora, Indonesia. Therefore, ash from this eruption filled the skies and blocked the sun from warming the earth. However, with …show more content…

He had such vehement towards science that it consumes him. Therefore, this passion for science takes over his thoughts and when he goes to the University of Ingolstadt, he finds that there is an even more science to learn that he was not aware of. In learning all aspects of science, he spends 6 years learning and his pursuit of knowledge. However, his quest led him to make a creature that would come to find out later destroy his world. Additionally, as he is building the creature, Victor finds himself afraid of everything. After Victor, makes the creature and it becomes a living grotesque, mysterious, and physical being, additionally, Victor is frightened by what he had created. Accordingly, once he abandons the creature, the creature becomes incensed by this action. After, sometime the monster finds himself by Geneva, where Victor’s family lives and in the woods, he finds William, Victor’s younger brother and murders him. As a result, Victor realizes that Junita, the family maid, is accused of the murder once a picture that William carried around of his mother was found on Junita. Victor knows that it was not Junita, but the creature had committed the