The Reoccurring Themes In The Film 42 By Jackie Robinson

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As Branch Rickey once famously said, “We had a victory of fascism in Germany. It's time, time we had a victory over racism at home.” Throughout the incredible movie 42, the director relates the story back to this main theme; there needs to be a victory over racism at home in America. The movie starts out fast and never stops moving forward. The actors do a fantastic job portraying the main characters and help show what Jackie Robinson went through during the roughest, and most exciting, years of his life. Even though the movie contains a few historical inaccuracies, I believe this to be one of the best documentaries of Jackie Robinson’s early career. Many times the question is asked, what makes a good movie become a great movie? A good movie has a noticeable theme, a well written plot, and actors who work their hardest to deliver the best possible movie. So what does a great movie do then? …show more content…

You are actually talking about racism in 1945-1947, so you could change this sentence to “The reoccurring theme of 42 is racism and how it affected American citizens in the 1940’s.” The above quote from Branch Rickey shows that he wanted to stop racism in America while he was still alive and in a position of power to do something about it. By signing Jackie Robinson to the National Baseball League, Rickey displayed his commitment to do just that. The movie does a fantastic job of showing what Branch Rickey had to go through to bring Robinson into the big leagues, especially in terms of the criticism he faced on and off the field. The movie shows racism in its lime light and does a wonderful job showing how miserable and frightening it would have been for an African American in that