Alexander Haydon – Essay #1
Over the span of many millennia, the concept of a perfect society has been modified and changed thoroughly to adhere to the needs of current citizens. As such, humans have continually sought to create a perfect society which has resulted in a vast number of theories which we commonly associate with the word, Utopia. While Thomas More’s Utopia can be perceived as the perfect society, it is highly impractical due to the lack of desire and intrinsic qualities. However, a more realistic society, which recognizes our faults and characteristics, is exemplified in Plato’s The Republic. Specifically, The Republic emphasizes three separate divisions of society driven by the three parts of the human soul. These three classes
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They have attained the true and highest knowledge of the forms and are internally balanced. As such, these ‘philosopher kings’ are truly intelligent, wise, and uniquely qualified to manage society through the proper channels. In conjunction with law-making, Guardians were also responsible for the society’s educational matters. Plato believed that the education of young children should be equal across the board and void of any outside influence that could corrupt the three parts of the soul. Without outside influence, it would become apparent which aspect of the soul was dominant in the child and eliminated the possibility of incorrect placement of citizens in the proper areas of society. This rigorous early education would also benefit society because every citizen would be a good and virtuous member of …show more content…
In contrast with the Guardian’s inherent desire for wisdom, the Auxiliary citizen desires the honor and recognition associated with battle. They are characterized as courageous, strong, and eager to face danger. As a result, the Auxiliary citizens function best in the implementation of the laws prescribed by the Guardians and defense and protection of the city. As the primary defense force, they are essentially the police force to protect the city from within and the military unit to defend from possible invaders. With proper control, the Auxiliary division is vital because it provides internal and external security and stability for overall