Rhetorical Analysis Of Time's Up Movement

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If you’re the kind of person that is an adamant viewer of award shows or pays any attention at all to what celebrities are doing, you’ve probably at least heard of the Time’s Up movement or a movement similar to it. I will go into more detail later on, but in short, it is an anti-sexual harassment movement. Their intention is to influence others to stand against sexual harassment in the workplace. Nomos refers to the cultural values reflected by the targeted audience of the cause. In my rhetorical analysis of the Time’s Up movement, I will explore the nomos built into the heart of the campaign. I will show how the movement uses the cultural values of supporting and respecting women to promote the message that sexual harassment in the workplace …show more content…

These events were the kairos of the Time’s Up movement. It is obvious that victims of these crimes need support, but I am not sure that people realized how common it was. These events brought what some may have considered taboo or uncomfortable, to the forefront of discussion. It brought attention to not only how corrupt the film industry is but also to behaviors that people might write-off as harmless. People called for action and thus the Time’s Up movement was formed. I will explain how Time’s Up movement uses nomos to spread the message that sexual harassment will not be overlooked anymore. The movement uses the idea of women empowering each other as a way to show support for the victims, especially those of sexual harassment in the workplace. As mentioned before, the movement itself was created by women. This is an example of nomos. Reese Witherspoon, a well-known actress and one of the founders of this movement, said on the CBS Sunday Morning show, “ There’s moments that you have to evaluate whether silence is going to be your only option, and certain

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