The Road Not Taken By Robert Frost Essay

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The poem, “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost describes the choices one must make as they travel along in life. Many times, we must make these decisions without the benefit of knowing which direction each specific path will take us. As we stand at these crossroads in life we try to determine which of the two paths will benefit us the most. As is the case in most instances, we will not know the impact each path may have on our life until we take that first tentative step towards the unknown.
In the first stanza, Frost describes where “two roads diverged in a yellow wood” (1) which is indicative of that crossroad we have reached. The “yellow wood… “(1) indicates the traveler is may be walking along the path in a late season in their life. This is further explained in lines 2 – 3 as the traveler is “sorry I could not travel both and be one traveler, long I stood” (2 – 3). The traveler is “sorry…” (2) he cannot travel both paths maybe due to the late season of their life. The choice made at this fork in the road will have a lasting impact on the rest of their life. As the traveler “looked down one as far as I could” (4) they are attempting to look as far down the first road to see if this path would serve them best but can only see as far as “where it bent in the …show more content…

As our traveler continues to ponder their options they begin to question the decision as the second path “was grassy and wanted wear” (8) which indicates it is less traveled. While we contemplate whether the second road is the less obvious path to take it we must consider if this road is the better choice and leads to a brighter future? Our traveler begins to consider each road is acceptable because “though as for that the passing there had worn them really about the same” (9 – 10). Our traveler is now realizing each path may be equal to the